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Prayer is a powerful gift from the Lord to His people. Often, we see it as God’s gift to us about us. In other words, we believe and are convinced, that prayer is the key to getting what we want and moving the Lord all about as we please. Now, none of us would say that, but all of us are tempted to go at it this way. Some see it this way only.

Yet, what we see about prayer, specific prayer at that, in Genesis 24 is something altogether different. Specific prayers, as we have learned, are powerful when they are "Prompted by a heart convinced of the love and faithfulness of God. Here is another element of praying specifically:

Specific Prayers Are Powerful Only When They Are Prompted By A Kingdom Advancing Heart

While the servant of Abraham went on his assigned mission to find Isaac's bride there was much more to it. He was not being a matchmaker. It was more than a father (Abraham and us included) wanting the best for his son and it was more than a child (Isaac and our children) simply desiring to be married. If it were simply that we could all understand. Parents want their children to be married and their young adult children desire the same. Yet, in this case, there is more to it.

The servant understood that this woman would not only be a bride but that she would occupy a special place in the redemptive plan of God. This woman would be the means by which the redemptive promise of God through the bloodline of Abraham would continue redemptive promises of God extended (Genesis 12:1-3). The woman chosen for Isaac would do more than comfort Isaac. She would be the continuation of the seed that would give birth to the Messiah (Luke 2:27-32; John 14:26; 15:26; 16:7). Therefore, the servant prayed specifically. His heart was for the mission of God more than it was for a father and his son.

For those of us who trust the steadfast love and faithfulness of God and would pray specifically we must understand that if our prayer is not prompted by a desire to see the kingdom of God advanced, our prayer will not be powerful or effectual. Think about why you are praying for this or that request. If you receive it how would that advance the kingdom of God in the world, your family and or your life? How would God get the glory from answering your specific request? A prayer can be kingdom advancing simply by ending your request with “Your will be done.” This indicates that, whatever the outcome of the prayer, you only want God’s will done (See Jesus’ request, Luke 22:42).

Whatever you need and or are longing to see in your life or in the lives of others, I encourage you to be specific when you pray. I also encourage you, before you pray to ask: If I receive what I am asking for will this have a direct reflection on the honor of Christ? If you cannot discern your own heart at that point, truthfully and genuinely end the prayer with Thy will be done.

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