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The phrase that continually came to my mind in evaluating my 2021 and praying about 2022 was this: "Disrupt Comfort and Prepare for the Glory of the Lord!"

Let me say from the start that this phrase is in no way to be confused with me thinking 2022 is the year the Lord will return. Clearly, I am not privy to that information! What it does mean, for me at least, and I am hoping for those I pastor, is that 2022 is the year where I (we) are to seriously evaluate the centrality of Christ in my (our) affections.

What is clear to me is the fact that my inclination for the comforts of this life is strong. They are not only strong, but they are natural, which means that I do not have to try to feel these passions. They are automatic! Yet, the call of the Christian life is to think and act and live Christological and Christo-centric lives. This only means that we are to live in such a way that reflects that Christ has won the battle over sin and the power of the kingdom is present among us.

To achieve this way of living is not natural and, therefore, not easy. It will demand, first, that we learn to disrupt our present comfort. This means knowing that to live as a Christ follower in this world is a cross calling and a cross calling, by definition, is a call of affliction. The affliction, however, is not only that which comes upon us but also - and I would argue, chiefly, that which we bring upon ourselves. Suffering for Christ involves the willingness to deny ourselves the comforts, leisure’s, and pleasures of this life.

This is what self-affliction means and it was at the heart of Paul's pursuit of the glory of God when he said, without hesitation, that he wanted to share in Christ's sufferings (Philippians 3:10) and that he disciplines (some versions say "beat") his body to bring it under subjection (1 Corinthians 9:27). Why does Paul renounce the passions of the flesh and the things of this world? So that his longing for Jesus would become increasingly singular and unimpeded.

The way to this path of Paul's is to honestly evaluate (and allow those closest to you to do this as well) the passions that are dominating our lives; to assess the way we spend the bulk of our free and leisure time. Paul's passion to disrupt his own comfort to in the pursuit of the glory of God is further seen in his words to the Corinthian church:

“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for

me,” but I will not be dominated by anything" 1 Corinthians 6:12 ESV).

Notice that Paul does not eliminate the freedom to engage in pleasures and leisure activities that are of a moral nature. He says, "all things are lawful." Yet, his passion was to be singularly devoted to Christ and, therefore, he said that he would be ruled by nothing. Paul did not want anything, outside of Christ, to rule his passions, desires, time, or leisure. As he said to the Philippians, for Paul, "To live is Christ and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). Yes, death is gain, but let's not miss the connection: dying is gain only when living is Christ.

In other words, only when I see the whole of my life (passions, activities, and leisure) as being for Christ will I ever think death is gain. Death is only gain because I get to spend eternity with the One I lived my entire life for. We cannot get to this mindset and passion of Paul until we begin to disrupt our comfort and desires for this world.

So, the question I posed to myself at the end of 2021 is the same one I pose to you today: How will you disrupt your comfort?

I ended the year by giving up coffee. It has now been 37 days since my last cup on Sunday, November 27th. Some might think that a small thing but for me, it is a cross!! I lived on coffee and drank it more than I needed to. We don't think addiction when it comes to coffee, but I think it is. I felt Paul's words to not let anything dominate me and decided that would be my first act of disciplining and bringing my body (passions) under subjection.

For you it may be something else. Pick one thing and determine and design a plan to kill its domination over us. It won’t be easy because crosses never are. but, trust me, it will be victoriously worth it. Plus, when you are killing one passion you are simultaneously draining the life out of other passions.

Disrupt your comfort by picking a passion, an activity or your leisure time and slay it!

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